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許多液體活檢解決方案僅針對樣本分析過程的一部分,不能滿足藥物開發、臨床和研究實驗室的需求。MiSelect R 系統可以放置在任何地方,任何人只需接受幾個小時的培訓即可使用。它提供了對醫學研究人員和藥物開發人員進行開創性單細胞下游分析所需的原材料(稀有細胞、CTC、免疫細胞)的一致訪問。
MiSelect R 實現了 90% 的細胞回收率,而變異小于 10%。最重要的是,用戶可以自信地期待這些結果,而不受操作員經驗水平的影響。
此外,這一重要的結果不應該花費數天甚至數周才能從中心實驗室返回。只需 10 分鐘的手動準備時間即可處理兩個全血樣本,并在幾個小時內完成稀有靶細胞的自動成像,這一切都在您自己的實驗室中完成。
這種多合一設備包含從細胞選擇到抗體標記再到熒光成像的全自動過程,可確保最大限度地減少樣品損失并重現結果。我們溫和的過程和集成的儀器可以始終如一地訪問分離的稀有活細胞,例如 CTC 和免疫細胞。MiSelect R 足夠緊湊,可以放在工作站的角落,非常適合任何實驗室,無論大小。
監測患者血液中 CTC 水平和類型的能力提供了豐富的信息,這些信息與所有其他當前診斷信息互補且不同。循環腫瘤細胞的分離和純化以及隨后對其生化變化的分析,將大大增強我們對癌癥轉移的理解,以及對實驗藥物/治療的評估。
包括監測藥物反應/耐藥性、預測癌癥患者的臨床結果或早期檢測潛在的轉移。然而,癌癥患者的 CTC 計數可能非常低。10 毫升的血液可能含有數十億個紅細胞、數百萬個白細胞和只有一個 CTC。與許多 CTC 計數技術不同,MiSelect 保留了分離細胞的完整性,提供了對完整范圍的基因組和細胞信息的訪問。
監測治療效果越來越困難。在腫瘤細胞中沒有發現許多檢查點阻斷劑,但發現抑制劑作用于免疫細胞,例如細胞毒性 CD8(+) T 細胞。分析免疫細胞可能會提供有關細胞反應或對實驗治療的抵抗力的更完整信息。
Products Introduction
Unlocking the secrets of rarecells
MiCareo is pushing beyond thelimits of current liquid biopsy technologies by providing high purity isolatedlive rare cells and automated multiplexed fluorescence imaging. We are buildingtechnologies to accelerate the way pharmaceutical companies monitor drugresponse & screen for drug effectiveness, and giving researchers the toolsto find new correlations in biomarker expression using fully quantitativevisual subtyping of each cell.
The MiSelect R achieves 90% cellrecovery with less than 10% variation.Best of all, users can confidently expect these results independent ofoperator experience level.
Furthermore, results thisimportant should not take days, or even weeks, to get back from a central lab.Process two samples of whole blood with only 10 minutes of hands on prep, andcomplete the automated imaging of rare target cells within a few hours, all inyour own lab.
This all-in-one device houses afully automated process from cell selection, to antibody labeling, tofluorescence imaging, which ensures that sample loss is minimized andresults are reproducible. Our gentle process and integrated instrument giveconsistent access to isolated live rare cells such as CTCs, and immune cells.
The MiSelect R is compactenough to fit on the corner of your workstation, making it a perfect fit forany lab, big or small.
Circulating Tumor Cells
The ability to monitor the level and type ofCTCs in a patient's blood provides rich information that is complementary anddistinct from all other current diagnostic information. The isolation andpurification of circulating tumor cells and the subsequent profiling of theirbiochemical changes, will greatly enhance both our understanding of cancer metastases,and in the assessment of experimental drugs/treatments.
Power of Enumeration
CTC enumeration has numerous potentialapplications include monitoring drug response/resistance, predicting theclinical outcome of cancer patients, or detecting potential metastasis early.However, CTC counts in cancer patients could be are incredibly low. 10 mLof blood may contain billions of RBCs, millions of leukocytes, and onlyone CTC.
Although detection, isolation, and analysisof CTCs has posed a challenge in the medical field, MiCareohas consistently achieved a 90% recovery efficiency with less than10% variation lab tests.
And unlike many CTC enumeration technologies,MiSelect preserves the integrity of isolated cells, affording accessto the complete range of genomic as well as cellular information.
Rare Immune Cells
Monitoring treatment efficacy is increasinglydifficult. Many checkpoint blockades are not found in tumor cells,but inhibitors are instead found acting upon immune cells suchas cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells. Profiling immune cells may give more completeinformation as to cell response or resistance to experimentaltreatments.
因用于機器人各方面應用且與大多數機器人類型兼容,AutoCal系統可以檢測出機器人自身構造和工具中心點(TCP)的 突然改變或偏離,并且該系統無需人為干涉就自動地更正這些誤差。
AutoCal系統-Dynalog的先進水平校準技術,Dynalog是機器人單元標定技術的世界領導者。它的主流產品DynaCal 系統,被應用于離線的機器人單元校準,并作為最精確的和技術先進的機器人校準程序為許多機器人制造商和終端使用者所接受。AutoCal 系統將已證實的DynaCal校準技術結合到一個在線的全自動系統中,該系統專為程序控制和復原而設計的,價格低廉。
AutoCal系統提供在線的機器人校準方案,旨在快速和自動地保證機械設備的工作性能。因用于機器人各方面應用且與大多數機器人類型兼容,AutoCal系統可以檢測出機器人自身構造和工具中心點(TCP)的 突然改變或偏離,并且該系統無需人為干涉就自動地更正這些誤差。這意味著不用猜測哪里會出錯,不用浪費寶貴時間在機器人程序重復校準上,產品品質無任何損失。
AutoCal系統-Dynalog的先進水平校準技術,Dynalog是機器人單元標定技術的世界領導者。它的主流產品DynaCal 系統,被應用于離線的機器人單元校準,并作為最精確的和技術先進的機器人校準程序為許多機器人制造商和終端使用者所接受。AutoCal 系統將已證實的DynaCal校準技術結合到一個在線的全自動系統中,該系統專為程序控制和復原而設計的,價格低廉。